Protecting our Communities & Environment through Knowledge
OETC Course Store

Spills in Canada

We cover the physical and reporting response to Spills in Canada. The attendee will be introduced to various spill equipment, tools and supplies. We'll review the need to have a spills plan and become familiar with common responses in a spill situation. We'll review the federal and provincial/territorial spill reporting requirements and look at how each jurisdiction in Canada handles spills.

Regulator Approved in: ON(0.6-CEU’s), AB(0.5-CEU’s), BC(0.6-CEU’s), NS(0.7-CEU’s)

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$ 395. 00

Microbiology for Water Operations

We start with a Coles notes review of Chemistry and Biology then review current microbiological threats. We’ll then learn about bacteria, what they are, how they feed, reproduce and how they make us sick. We’ll gain an understanding of how they are named, what shapes they come in and how we analyse and treat for them. We’ll review a number of specific species and groups of interest. From bacteria, we move into viruses, protozoa and algae. We’ll look at each microb of interest to the water/wastewater industry. We’ll cover proper sampling techniques, treatment barriers to microbs, the process of how various types of Microbiological tests are conducted and a whole lot more.

Regulator Approved in: Ontario 1.8 CEU’s - Course Code: 14376

$ 795. 00
All costs reported in Canadian Funds

Drinking Water Law & Due Diligence in Ontario

This course provides an in depth skim of most of the legislative framework for Drinking Water in Ontario. We review over 20 Acts with in depth reviews of over 10 regulations. There is a deep focus on the Safe Drinking Water Act and regulations 170/03 and 128/04. We’ll explore the Disinfection of Drinking Water in Ontario and the Ontario Watermain Disinfection Procedures in addition to AWWA and NSF Standards. You’re also provided a 500pg PDF manual that will serve as an authoritative reference manual for years to come.

Regulator Approved in: Ontario 2.1 CEU’s - Course Code: 15135

$ 995. 00
Taxes Calculated at Checkout Dependant on Province or State

Math Tools 1-1: Fractions, Decimals & Percentages

Math Tools 1-1 is the first in the series of industrial / operational Math Tools. We begin to build or refresh skills needed for a solid foundation required in today’s operating environment. The topics of Fractions, Decimals and Percentages are all interrelated and knowing one can easily give you the information needed to calculate the others. In this course we teach and refresh these fundamental skills and begin working on giving you the confidence to be a superior operator.

Regulator Approved in: Ontario 0.4 CEU’s - Course Code (ON): 14576

$ 195. 00

Math Tools 1-3: Averages, Ratios & Proportions

Math Tools 1-3. We begin to build or refresh skills needed for a solid foundation required in today’s operating environment. The topics of Averages, Ratios and Proportions are at the foundations of math. A solid command and understanding of these important topics are necessary to understand the mathematical spectrum of knowledge needed by a modern day operator/maintainer. In this course we teach and refresh these fundamental skills and continue working on giving you the confidence to be a superior operator & succeed at the exams.

Regulator Approved in: Ontario 0.4 CEU’s - Course Code (ON): 14578

$ 195. 00

Math Tools 1-4: Conversions & Intro to Dimensional Analysis

In Math Tools 1-4 we continue to build or refresh skills needed for a solid foundation required in today’s operating environment. Being able to convert from metric «-» Imperial, imperial to imperial and metric to metric is a fundamental skill needed by every operator. We’ll review this skill extensively, and also learn the operators greatest math trick, Dimensional Analysis. In this course we teach and refresh these fundamental skills and begin working on giving you the confidence to be a superior operator.

Regulator Approved in: Ontario 0.4 CEU’s - Course Code (ON): 14579

$ 195. 00

Math Tools 1-5: Linear, Area and Volume

In Math Tools 1-5 we wrap up the Fundamental Math Series with our last subjects of linear measurements, area calculations and volume determinations. We tackle angles using trigonometry. We look at complex areas and volumes and tackle partial volumes of odd shaped tanks. We use trigonometry, geometry and algebra to calculate various aspects of these three dimensions.

Regulator Approved in: Ontario 0.8 CEU’s - Course Code (ON): 14580

$ 345. 00

Math Tools 1-2: Scales, Graphs and Introduction to Algebra

In Math Tools 1-2 we continue in the Fundamental Math Series with the subjects of Scales and Graphs & the magic of Algebra. We use water & wastewater example equations to demonstrate algebra in a simple, step by step manner. We’ll tackle flow, dosage & velocity, liquid concentration changes & dilution; given the area of a circle, we work out its diameter & we develop an equation for quickly & mentally determining Celsius «to/from» Fahrenheit.

Regulator Approved in: Ontario 0.5 CEU’s - Course Code (ON): 14577

$ 195. 00

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Math Tools Level 1 Series

Math Tools - Level 1 - All Courses

If you struggle with maths then OETC Math Tools can help. Our Math Tool Level 1 Series reinforces the basics, and prepare you for mastery of the mathematical tools needed to succeed in the 10-15% of the certification exams devoted to math. This course package will grant access to all Level 1 Math Tool courses. Take them in the order intended or bounce around based on interest. Refresh, reinforce, learn or relearn these vital mathematical skills. And purchasing in this bundled format, you save a few bucks from enrolling in Math Tool courses individually. Total CEU’s for all Math Tool courses total 2.5 CEU’s or 25hrs of mathematics instruction. specific to folks who’ve been out of school a while. You wouldn’t believe what you’ve forgotten, but will know again, and forever!
$ 995. 00

Certification & Licensing 101 (FREE 0.3 CEU’s)

This is OETC's e-Training demonstration course and serves as an Introductory guide to being a Certified Drinking Water Operator & Licensed Wastewater Operator in Ontario. In this course we’ll introduce the Operator (or prospective Operator) to Ontario’s Certification system for Drinking Water and Licensing for Wastewater Operators. Informative for the new and experienced operator, aspiring operator or administrator.

Regulator Approved in: Ontario 0.3 CEU’s - Course Code: 15519

$ 000. 00

More Courses always in Development

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Newsletter Sign-up

Municipal Invoicing

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We’ll create e-Training accounts, enroll into courses & email

credentials/Instruction to the Operator(s)

Municipal Invoicing

Complete our ‘Invoice Set-up’ form.

We’ll create e-Training accounts, enroll into courses &

email credentials/Instruction to the Operator

Logbooks, Certification & AWQI/Spills Reporting in Ontario

We’ll introduce the attendee to the regulatory framework that governs Drinking Water and Wastewater in Ontario. Using interactive lectures & narrated legislation, in-lecture skills practice and intelligent quizzing, the student will gain an in depth understanding of their responsibilities for due diligence, certification and logbooks and gain confidence in AWQI’s and Spills Reporting in Ontario.

Regulator Approved in: Ontario 0.7-CEU’s - Course Code: 8953

$ 345. 00

Reviewing the Procedure for Disinfection of Drinking Water in Ontario

In this course, we’ll look at one of the most important procedures at the centre of Drinking Water Operations in Ontario. This procedure is a supporting document for Ontario legislation and regulations related to drinking water and specific to water disinfection and any pre-disinfection processes that may be necessary to ensure effectiveness of disinfection.

Regulator Approved in: Ontario 0.7-CEU’s - Course Code: 15136

$ 345. 00

Reviewing the Ontario Watermain Disinfection Procedure

In this 8hr or 0.8CEU course, we’ll provide a sequential guided review of the full Procedure. Disinfectant and pipe volume calculations are also covered. This procedure is a supporting document for Ontario regulations and your Drinking Water Works Permit related to drinking water distribution pipes and specific to disinfection and records of disinfection.

Regulator Approved in: Ontario 0.8-CEU’s - Course Code: 15215

$ 345. 00
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Payment via Municipal/Company Invoice or Credit Card
Distribution Operators
Treatment Operators
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Taxes Calculated at Checkout Dependant on Province or State
Taxes Calculated at Checkout Dependant on Province or State
Taxes Calculated at Checkout Dependant on Province or State
Taxes Calculated at Checkout Dependant on Province or State
Taxes Calculated at Checkout Dependant on Province or State
Taxes Calculated at Checkout Dependant on Province or State
Taxes Calculated at Checkout Dependant on Province or State
Taxes Calculated at Checkout Dependant on Province or State
Taxes Calculated at Checkout Dependant on Province or State
Taxes Calculated at Checkout Dependant on Province or State

Ontario Legislative Series

Courses on Technical Guidance and Water & Wastewater Science

website security
Protecting our Communities &  Environment through Knowledge
OETC Course Store

Spills in Canada

We cover the physical and reporting response to Spills in Canada. The attendee will be introduced to various spill equipment, tools and supplies. We'll review the need to have a spills plan and become familiar with common responses in a spill situation. We'll review the federal and provincial/territorial spill reporting requirements and look at how each jurisdiction in Canada handles spills.

Regulator Approved in: ON(0.6-CEU’s), AB(0.5-CEU’s), BC(0.6-CEU’s), NS(0.7-


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$ 395. 00

Microbiology for Water Operations

We start with a Coles notes review of Chemistry and Biology then review current microbiological threats. We’ll then learn about bacteria, what they are, how they feed, reproduce and how they make us sick. We’ll gain an understanding of how they are named, what shapes they come in and how we analyse and treat for them. We’ll review a number of specific species and groups of interest. From bacteria, we move into viruses, protozoa and algae. We’ll look at each microb of interest to the water/wastewater industry. We’ll cover proper sampling techniques, treatment barriers to microbs, the process of how various types of Microbiological tests are conducted and a whole lot more.

Regulator Approved in: Ontario 1.8 CEU’s - Course Code: 14376

$ 795. 00

Drinking Water Law & Due Diligence in Ontario

This course provides an in depth skim of most of the legislative framework for Drinking Water in Ontario. We review over 20 Acts with in depth reviews of over 10 regulations. There is a deep focus on the Safe Drinking Water Act and regulations 170/03 and 128/04. We’ll explore the Disinfection of Drinking Water in Ontario and the Ontario Watermain Disinfection Procedures in addition to AWWA and NSF Standards. You’re also provided a 500pg PDF manual that will serve as an authoritative reference manual for years to come.

Regulator Approved in: Ontario 2.1 CEU’s - Course Code: 15135

$ 995. 00
Taxes Calculated at Checkout Dependant on Province or State

Math Tools 1-1: Fractions, Decimals &


Math Tools 1-1 is the first in the series of industrial / operational Math Tools. We begin to build or refresh skills needed for a solid foundation required in today’s operating environment. The topics of Fractions, Decimals and Percentages are all interrelated and knowing one can easily give you the information needed to calculate the others. In this course we teach and refresh these fundamental skills and begin working on giving you the confidence to be a superior operator.

Regulator Approved in: Ontario 0.4 CEU’s - Course Code (ON): 14576

$ 195. 00

Math Tools 1-3: Averages, Ratios &


Math Tools 1-3. We begin to build or refresh skills needed for a solid foundation required in today’s operating environment. The topics of Averages, Ratios and Proportions are at the foundations of math. A solid command and understanding of these important topics are necessary to understand the mathematical spectrum of knowledge needed by a modern day operator/maintainer. In this course we teach and refresh these fundamental skills and continue working on giving you the confidence to be a superior operator & succeed at the exams.

Regulator Approved in: Ontario 0.4 CEU’s - Course Code (ON): 14578

$ 195. 00

Math Tools 1-4: Conversions & Intro to

Dimensional Analysis

In Math Tools 1-4 we continue to build or refresh skills needed for a solid foundation required in today’s operating environment. Being able to convert from metric «-» Imperial, imperial to imperial and metric to metric is a fundamental skill needed by every operator. We’ll review this skill extensively, and also learn the operators greatest math trick, Dimensional Analysis. In this course we teach and refresh these fundamental skills and begin working on giving you the confidence to be a superior operator.

Regulator Approved in: Ontario 0.4 CEU’s - Course Code (ON): 14579

Math Tools 1-5: Linear, Area and Volume

In Math Tools 1-5 we wrap up the Fundamental Math Series with our last subjects of linear measurements, area calculations and volume determinations. We tackle angles using trigonometry. We look at complex areas and volumes and tackle partial volumes of odd shaped tanks. We use trigonometry, geometry and algebra to calculate various aspects of these three dimensions.

Regulator Approved in: Ontario 0.8 CEU’s - Course Code (ON): 14580

$ 345. 00

Math Tools 1-2: Scales, Graphs and

Introduction to Algebra

In Math Tools 1-2 we continue in the Fundamental Math Series with the subjects of Scales and Graphs & the magic of Algebra. We use water & wastewater example equations to demonstrate algebra in a simple, step by step manner. We’ll tackle flow, dosage & velocity, liquid concentration changes & dilution; given the area of a circle, we work out its diameter & we develop an equation for quickly & mentally determining Celsius «to/from» Fahrenheit.

Regulator Approved in: Ontario 0.5 CEU’s - Course Code (ON): 14577

$ 195. 00

Math Tools Level 1 Series

Math Tools - Level 1 - All Courses

If you struggle with maths then OETC Math Tools can help. Our Math Tool Level 1 Series reinforces the basics, and prepare you for mastery of the mathematical tools needed to succeed in the 10-15% of the certification exams devoted to math. This course package will grant access to all Level 1 Math Tool courses. Take them in the order intended or bounce around based on interest. Refresh, reinforce, learn or relearn these vital mathematical skills. And purchasing in this bundled format, you save a few bucks from enrolling in Math Tool courses individually. Total CEU’s for all Math Tool courses total 2.5 CEU’s or 25hrs of mathematics instruction. specific to folks who’ve been out of school a while. You wouldn’t believe what you’ve forgotten, but will know again, and forever!
$ 995. 00

Certification & Licensing 101 (FREE 0.3 CEU’s)

This is OETC's e-Training demonstration course and serves as an Introductory guide to being a Certified Drinking Water Operator & Licensed Wastewater Operator in Ontario. In this course we’ll introduce the Operator (or prospective Operator) to Ontario’s Certification system for Drinking Water and Licensing for Wastewater Operators. Informative for the new and experienced operator, aspiring operator or administrator.

Regulator Approved in: Ontario 0.3 CEU’s - Course Code: 15519

$ 000. 00

More Courses always in Development

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Newsletter Sign-up

Municipal Invoicing

Complete our ‘Invoice Set-up’ form.

We’ll create e-Training accounts, enroll into courses & email

credentials/Instruction to the Operator(s)

Logbooks, Certification & AWQI/Spills

Reporting in Ontario

We’ll introduce the attendee to the regulatory framework that governs Drinking Water and Wastewater in Ontario. Using interactive lectures & narrated legislation, in-lecture skills practice and intelligent quizzing, the student will gain an in depth understanding of their responsibilities for due diligence, certification and logbooks and gain confidence in AWQI’s and Spills Reporting in Ontario.

Regulator Approved in: Ontario 0.7-CEU’s - Course Code: 8953

$ 345. 00

Reviewing the Procedure for Disinfection of

Drinking Water in Ontario

In this course, we’ll look at one of the most important procedures at the centre of Drinking Water Operations in Ontario. This procedure is a supporting document for Ontario legislation and regulations related to drinking water and specific to water disinfection and any pre-disinfection processes that may be necessary to ensure effectiveness of disinfection.

Regulator Approved in: Ontario 0.7-CEU’s - Course Code: 15136

$ 345. 00

Reviewing the Ontario Watermain Disinfection


In this 8hr or 0.8CEU course, we’ll provide a sequential guided review of the full Procedure. Disinfectant and pipe volume calculations are also covered. This procedure is a supporting document for Ontario regulations and your Drinking Water Works Permit related to drinking water distribution pipes and specific to disinfection and records of disinfection.

Regulator Approved in: Ontario 0.8-CEU’s - Course Code: 15215

$ 345. 00
Payment via Credit Card
Payment via Municipal/Company Invoice or Credit Card
Distribution Operators
Treatment Operators
Taxes Calculated at Checkout Dependant on Province or State
Taxes Calculated at Checkout Dependant on Province or State
Taxes Calculated at Checkout Dependant on Province or State
Taxes Calculated at Checkout Dependant on Province or State
Taxes Calculated at Checkout Dependant on Province or State
Taxes Calculated at Checkout Dependant on Province or State
Taxes Calculated at Checkout Dependant on Province or State
Taxes Calculated at Checkout Dependant on Province or State
Taxes Calculated at Checkout Dependant on Province or State
Taxes Calculated at Checkout Dependant on Province or State


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Municipal Invoicing

Complete our ‘Invoice Set-up’ form.

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credentials/Instruction to the Operator(s)

Payment via Credit Card
Payment via Municipal/Company Invoice or Credit Card


Courses on Technical Guidance and

Water & Wastewater Science

Ontario Legislative Series

$ 195. 00
Taxes Calculated at Checkout Dependant on Province or State