In this course, we’ll look at one of the most important procedure at the centre of Drinking Water Operations in Ontario. This procedure is a supporting document for Ontario legislation and regulations related to drinking water and specific to water disinfection and any pre-disinfection processes that may be necessary to ensure effectiveness of disinfection.It is vitally important that every Drinking Water Treatment and Distribution Operator, Supervisor & Manager have an in depth understanding of this important procedure. This course will provide you this in depth understanding.While taking this interesting course, you’ll be lead through a complete review of all aspects of the Procedure. We do deviate from the procedure to calculate Hydraulic Retention Time to calculate the T in CT. With an understanding on how to calculate your CT, we then translate this into calculating log inactivation. At the end of this course, you’ll be able to calculate your CT and log inactivation using the CT Tables.Covered in this course:
Reviewing the Procedure for Disinfection of Drinking Water in Ontario - $345.
Delivered through a PDF Manual and intelligent quizzing
Everything required is included on-line.
Enroll today, Complete today or take 1-year to complete from enrollment date, CEU’s registered with regulator within 72hrs
Course Developed and Delivered by Vaughan MartinThis course has met the requirements under O. Reg. 128/04 as Director Approved Continuing Education.
This unique course and it’s format has been evolving since 2012. You won’t need to flip through slides or scroll endless web pages as it is offered in a PDF manual format. How the Course Works:You take the “Unit Quizzes” and harvest answers from the manual. The progressive questions will guide you through the manual in a linear and sequential manner, providing short chunks of knowledge, interesting stories and nuanced guidance. The course marks your questions immediately and saves your progress at each question. Take as long as you like. And it‘s completely open book, use the manual or the Internet to harvest answers. Complete each of the 3-Unit Content Quizzes with a 70% in each unit to unlock the Course & Trainer Assessment e-form. Complete the e-form to immediately unlock your Course Completion Certificate. If you’re a Certified Operator in Ontario, OETC will upload your completion status to the MOE-WWOCS Database within 72hrs of completion.Enrol, start and finish today or take up to a year, completing portions when you have time.I’m sure you’ll agree this course format is the best, easiest and most interesting way to assume the depth and richness of this seemingly boring but vitally necessary knowledge set.Director Approved (0.7 CEU’s) in Ontario - Course Code: 15136
Reviewing the Procedure for Disinfection of Drinking Water in Ontario- $345.
On-Line Course - $345 Taxes ExtraCourse Developed and Delivered by Vaughan Martin
INTRODUCTORY SECTIONWhat you should take away from this courseCourse InstructionHow this course worksMeet the trainerInstructions on Split ScreenWant to extend your learningA word on cheatingLegal disclaimer1. DISINFECTION OF DRINKING WATER1.1 Introduction1.2 Design and Construction of Disinfection Facilities2. PATHOGEN REMOVAL/DISINFECTION REQUIREMENTS2.1 Ground Water2.2 Surface Water and Ground Water under Direct Influence of Surface Water3. DISINFECTION (PRIMARY DISINFECTION)3.1 Chemical Disinfection3.1.1 CT Disinfection Concept3.2 Ultraviolet (UV) Disinfection3.2.1 Ground Water3.2.2 Surface Water and Ground Water under Direct Influence of Surface Water3.3 Other Disinfectants
3.4 Filtration Process Pathogen Removal Credits3.4.1 Conventional Filtration3.4.2 Direct Filtration3.4.3 Slow Sand Filtration3.4.4 Diatomaceous Earth Filtration (DE)3.4.5 Cartridge/Bag Filters3.4.6 Membrane Filtration3.4.7 Other Filtration Technologies4. DISINFECTANT RESIDUAL MAINTENANCE (SECONDARY DISINFECTION)5. DISINFECTION OF WATER WORKS AFTER CONSTRUCTION OR REPAIRS6. MONITORING6.1 Primary Disinfection6.1.1 Free Chlorine Residual Disinfection6.1.2 Chlorine Dioxide Residual Disinfection6.1.3 Monochloramine Residual Disinfection6.1.4 Ultraviolet (UV) Light Disinfection6.1.5 Turbidity6.2 Maintenance of disinfectant residual in a distribution system7. DISINFECTION BY-PRODUCTSTrainer Commentary - How to Calculate CTCT Tables
Series Courses
In this course, we’ll look at one of the most important procedure at the centre of Drinking Water Operations in Ontario. This procedure is a supporting document for Ontario legislation and regulations related to drinking water and specific to water disinfection and any pre-disinfection processes that may be necessary to ensure effectiveness of disinfection.It is vitally important that every Drinking Water Treatment and Distribution Operator, Supervisor & Manager have an in depth understanding of this important procedure. This course will provide you this in depth understanding.While taking this interesting course, you’ll be lead through a complete review of all aspects of the Procedure. We do deviate from the procedure to calculate Hydraulic Retention Time to calculate the T in CT. With an understanding on how to calculate your CT, we then translate this into calculating log inactivation. At the end of this course, you’ll be able to calculate your CT and log inactivation using the CT Tables.Covered in this course:
Reviewing the Procedure for Disinfection of Drinking Water
in Ontario - $345.
Delivered through a PDF Manual and intelligent quizzing
Everything required is included on-line.
Enroll today, Complete today or take 1-year to complete from enrollment date,
CEU’s registered with regulator within 72hrs
Course Developed and Delivered by Vaughan MartinThis course has met the requirements under O. Reg. 128/04 as Director Approved Continuing Education.
This unique course and it’s format has been evolving since 2012. You won’t need to flip through slides or scroll endless web pages as it is offered in a PDF manual format. How the Course Works:You take the “Unit Quizzes” and harvest answers from the manual. The progressive questions will guide you through the manual in a linear and sequential manner, providing short chunks of knowledge, interesting stories and nuanced guidance. The course marks your questions immediately and saves your progress at each question. Take as long as you like. And it‘s completely open book, use the manual or the Internet to harvest answers. Complete each of the 3-Unit Content Quizzes with a 70% in each unit to unlock the Course & Trainer Assessment e-form. Complete the e-form to immediately unlock your Course Completion Certificate. If you’re a Certified Operator in Ontario, OETC will upload your completion status to the MOE-WWOCS Database within 72hrs of completion.Enrol, start and finish today or take up to a year, completing portions when you have time.I’m sure you’ll agree this course format is the best, easiest and most interesting way to assume the depth and richness of this seemingly boring but vitally necessary knowledge set.Director Approved (0.7 CEU’s) in Ontario - Course Code: 15136
Reviewing the Procedure for Disinfection of Drinking
On-Line Course - $345 Taxes ExtraCourse Developed and Delivered by Vaughan Martin
INTRODUCTORY SECTIONWhat you should take away from this courseCourse InstructionHow this course worksMeet the trainerInstructions on Split ScreenWant to extend your learningA word on cheatingLegal disclaimer1. DISINFECTION OF DRINKING WATER1.1 Introduction1.2 Design and Construction of Disinfection Facilities2. PATHOGEN REMOVAL/DISINFECTION REQUIREMENTS2.1 Ground Water2.2 Surface Water and Ground Water under Direct Influence of Surface Water3. DISINFECTION (PRIMARY DISINFECTION)3.1 Chemical Disinfection3.1.1 CT Disinfection Concept3.2 Ultraviolet (UV) Disinfection3.2.1 Ground Water3.2.2 Surface Water and Ground Water under Direct Influence of Surface Water3.3 Other Disinfectants
3.4 Filtration Process Pathogen Removal Credits3.4.1 Conventional Filtration3.4.2 Direct Filtration3.4.3 Slow Sand Filtration3.4.4 Diatomaceous Earth Filtration (DE)3.4.5 Cartridge/Bag Filters3.4.6 Membrane Filtration3.4.7 Other Filtration Technologies4. DISINFECTANT RESIDUAL MAINTENANCE (SECONDARY DISINFECTION)5. DISINFECTION OF WATER WORKS AFTER CONSTRUCTION OR REPAIRS6. MONITORING6.1 Primary Disinfection6.1.1 Free Chlorine Residual Disinfection6.1.2 Chlorine Dioxide Residual Disinfection6.1.3 Monochloramine Residual Disinfection6.1.4 Ultraviolet (UV) Light Disinfection6.1.5 Turbidity6.2 Maintenance of disinfectant residual in a distribution system7. DISINFECTION BY-PRODUCTSTrainer Commentary - How to Calculate CTCT Tables