2) Your browser may automatically go to the tab screen:
1)If logged into the eTrainer System, go to your Course Page. If you hold your finger down on any link like a “Unit Website”, “Manual” or “Quiz” a sub-menu will come up asking if you want to open the link in a new tab group; Select “Open in new tab group”
3) Click on the tab with the Course Front Page and select the quiz you want to take. Now this Browser tab will have an open quiz. If your find the quiz locking up while taping back and forth between a webpage or manual and a quiz, just refresh the quiz webpage. Make sure you select “CHECK” after answering each question so the eTrainer System will register and save your progress.
3) If your course has a PDF Manual, then select the link to download it. This is a different file so you’ll need to open this downloaded file from your “Downloads” folder. Most phone can access this via your “My Files” icon from your phone’s “APP’s” Screen.4) Now you’d just need to use your “OPEN APPS” Icon at the bottom of your screen: or orto move between your open Browser screens and PDF Manual.